
My portfolio website showcases my journey and achievements in intelligent systems engineering. It features an overview of my current and past projects, highlighting my skills and expertise in developing innovative solutions. The site also includes my professional background, interests, and contact information.

Abdulqader's Portfolio Website

Welcome to my portfolio website! This project showcases my journey and achievements in intelligent systems engineering. Here, you can find an overview of my current and past projects, highlighting my skills and expertise in developing innovative solutions. The site also includes my professional background, interests, and contact information, offering a comprehensive look at my work and aspirations in the field of technology.


  • Showcases current and completed projects
  • Includes professional background and contact information
  • Built with modern web technologies

Technologies Used

  • Next.js: A powerful React framework for building server-side rendered applications
  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • Hosted on Netlify: A platform for automating modern web projects


Credits to @Chronark for inspiration and guidance in developing this portfolio website.